

Translations of the summaries of our most recent papers.

In order to communicate our science best, we upload translations of our most recent papers in several languages.


Local genetic adaptation to habitat in wild chimpanzees. Science 2025.

Ostridge H, Fontsere C, Lizano E, Soto DC, Schmidt JM, Saxena V, Alvarez-Estape M, Barratt CD, Gratton P, Bocksberger G, Lester JD, Dieguez P,  Agbor A, Angedakin S, Assumang AK, Bailey E, Barubiyo D, Bessone M, Brazzola G, Chancellor R, Cohen H, Coupland C, Danquah E, Deschner T, Dotras L, Dupain J, Ebot Egbe V, Granjon AC, Head J, Hedwig D,  Hermans V,  Hernandez-Aguilar RA, Jeffery KJ, Jones S, Junker J, Kadam P, Kaiser M, Kalan AK, Kambere M, Kienast I, Kujirakwinja D, Langergraber KE, Lapuente J,  Larson B, Laudisoit A, Lee KC, Llana M, Maretti G, Martín R, Meier A, Morgan D, Neil E, Nicholl S, Nixon S, Normand E, Orbell C, Ormsby LJ, Orume R, Pacheco L, Preece J, Regnaut S, Robbins MM, Rundus A, Sanz C, Sciaky L, Sommer V, Stewart FA, Tagg N, Tédonzong LR, van Schijndel J, Vendras E,  Wessling EG, Willie J, Wittig RM, Yuh YG, Yurkiw K, Vigilant L, Piel A, Boesch C, Kühl HS, Dennis MY, Marques-Bonet T, Arandjelovic A, Andrés AM.
Science 2025, 10 Jan 2025; 387(6730). doi: 10.1126/science.adn7954

Marekebisho ya kijenetiki ya ndani kwa makazi ya sokwe mwitu, in Swahili (by Anne Laudisoit)
Adaptation génétique à l’habitat local chez les chimpanzés, in French (by Anne Laudisoit) 
Adaptación genética a los hábitats locales en chimpancés, en Español (por Aida Andrés)
Adattamento genetico locale all’habitat negli scimpanzé selvaticistridge, in Italian (by Mattia Bessone)







Credit: Kevin Langergraber, The Ngogo Chimpanzee Project


Deep genetic substructure within bonobos. 

Sojung Han*, Cesare de Filippo*, Genís Parra, Juan Ramon Meneu, Romain Laurent, Peter Frandsen, Christina Hvilsom, Ilan Gronau, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Martin Kuhlwilm, Aida M Andrés

Current Biology, 2024. DOI:

Estructura poblaciona genética en bonobos, en Español (por A Andrés)
Estructura poblacional genètica en Bonobos, en Català (per A Andrés)
보노보들 사이에 존재하는 유전적 세부구조요약, in Korean (by S Han)
Structure génétique de populations chez les bonobos, in French (by M Reuter)








Credit: Cesare de Filippo; original picture from Martin Surbeck, Kokolopori Bonobo Research Project