


If you like our research and the idea of working with us, in the heart of one of the greatest cities in the world, contact us.


We have available projects on genetic adaptation in humans, non-human primates and flies. Our projects combine ancient DNA with modern genomes, experimental evolution with computational genomics, and genomes with environmental, morphological and functional data.


Ongoing or available projects include studying local adaptation in humans using aDNA, adaptation to forest/savannah habitats in wild chimpanzees, genetic adaptation to the diversity of ambient temperatures across the globe, genetic host adaptation to zoonotic pathogens (with a focus on SIV), the interplay between introgression and balancing selection in primates, the influence of balancing selection in humans and other primates, the influence of sexual antagonism on balancing selection in fruit flies, the evolution of facial morphology, and the effects of bonobo’s mating on the efficacy of natural selection on their X chromosomes.


So… way more projects than we can propose for the DTPs. If you are a DTP PhD student and interested in a project or question that is not among the projects that we have proposed for your DPT, please get in touch. There is quite a lot of flexibility about projects in most cases.


Prospective PhD students are encouraged to explore the BBSRC LIDo-DTP,  the London NERC DTP and the MRC DTP, as well as other fellowships such as UCL excellence scheme. You can also check the UCL and GEE webpages on PhD.


Prospective postdocs are encouraged to contact us with enough time to explore funding opportunities.


Everyone is encouraged to contact Aida Andrés directly.