

Aida Andrés — PI.
Professor in Population Evolutionary Genetics.
Director, UCL Genetics Institute.



Débora Brandt — Postdoc (with Max Reuter), funded by the BBSRC, working on balancing selection in natural populations of fruit flies.


Avishikta Chakraborty — Postdoc (with Max Reuter) funded by the Leverhulme Trust working on experimental evolution in fruit flies to identify sexually antagonistic genetic variants.



Abhilesh Dhawanjewar — Postdoc (with Max Reuter), also funded by the Leverhulme Trust, working on detecting selection in sex-limited experimental evolution in fruit flies.



Finley Glover
— NERC DTP PhD student (with Flo Camus), working on mito-nuclear co-evolution in the presence of introgression, in humans and flies.




Harrison Ostridge — NERC DTP PhD student (with Jinliang Wang) working on local adaptation in natural populations of chimpanzees.



You? See our Opportunities page.




Alliance EvolGen — We have tight links and joined weekly group meetings with the the Burbano group, who do amazing work on the evolution of plants and their pathogens using modern and ancient genomes.



SOME PICS OF THE GROUP OVER THE YEARS (some with colleagues, friends and partners too!)







The wonderful people in the group at UCL

  • Jasmin ReesICH PhD student (with Sergi Castellano) working on local adaptation in humans on diet-related genes.
    Now postdoc with Sarah Tishkoff in Philadelphia, USA.
  • Alfie Gleeson LIDo PhD student (with Aida Gómez-Robles) working on the evolution of cranial morphology and its genetic basis.
    Now working on conservation of bats.
  • Dean CornishLIDo PhD student (with Garrett Hellenthal) working on local adaptation in human populations.
  • Maricci Basa — Rotating LIDo PhD student (with Aida Gómez-Robles) working on the interdisciplinary analysis of the genetic and morphological evolution of cranial morphology in primates.
  • Joshua Schmidt — postdoc, working on local adaptation in chimpanzees.
    Now postdoc at Flinders University, Australia.
  • Sojung Han — PhD student (with Tomas Marques-Bonet), at the IBE in Barcelona.
    Now postdoc at the IBE in Barcelona, Spain.
  • Harvinder Pawar UCL MSci Genetics student,
    Now PhD student at the IBE in Barcelona.
  • Simran Rai UCL MSci Genetics student.
  • Derron Abdulla — UCL MSc Genetics of Human Disease student.
  • Paolo Abondio, visiting PhD student from the University of Bologna, Italy.

or while we were part of the Department of Evolutionary Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig

  • David Reher, PhD student (with Janet Kelso), at the MPI-EVA in Leipzig.
  • Joshua Schmidt, postdoc, with Sergi Castellano, working on local adaptation in chimpanzees. He moved as a postdoc in the group to UCL, London, UK.
    Now postdoc at Flinders University, Australia.
  • Bárbara Bitarello, visiting PhD student and postdoc, developing methods to identify the signatures of balancing selection in genomes. She moved on to do a postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
    Now Assistant Professor at Bryn Mayr College in PA, USA.
  • João Teixeira, PhD student, studying the conservation of balancing selection across species.
    Now Fellow (PI) at the Australian National University, Australia.
  • Felix-M. Key, PhD student studying local adaptation in human populations. Moved on to postdocs at the Jena MPI and the MIT, MA, USA.
    Now PI at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin, Germany.
  • Philip Kleinert, Masters’ student studying local adaptation on balanced standing variation.
    Now PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany.
  • Muslih Abdul-Aziz, graduate student studying local adaptation in the TRPM8 cold receptor.
    Now a PhD student at the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.
  • Katalina Bobowik, graduate student investigating local adaptation on nonsense changes.
    Now a PhD student at the University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Romain Laurent, postdoc studying conservation of selective pressures across primates.
    Now research engineer at the Musee de l’Homme in Paris, France.
  • Cesare de Filippo, postdoc working on local adaptation on previously balanced alleles.
    Now researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany.
  • Àngel Belmonte Aguirre, Masters’ student. Now scientific editor at Clarivate Analytics, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Homa Papoli, student. Now PhD student at the University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Juan Ramón Meneu, programmer. Now school teacher back in his natal town in Castello, Spain.
  • Genís Parra, senior programmer, bioinformatician, and more.
    Now data analyst at CNAG/CRG, Barcelona, Spain.